Plan Of Work

GOAL 1: To continue the concept of professional growth and recognition of association members and students

  • Encourage members to participate in professional growth activities
  • Recommend appointments to state, regional, and national committees
  • Conduct professional conferences with educational exhibits where appropriate
  • Present innovative and pertinent programs at workshops/conferences
  • Inform members of available workshops/conferences
  • Establish cooperative programs with other related organizations and groups
  • Assist classroom teachers and paraeducators with information and resources to meet the needs of the special population student
  • Enhanced networking – regional contacts, website, e-mail, etc
  • Classroom resources – IEP/transition packet, specially designed instruction, positive behavior support, and other relevant topics
  • Conduct awards and recognition programs
  • Conduct student Life/Work Challenge Award program and luncheon
  • Conduct professional award program by encouraging nominations and presenting awards
  • Provide publicity for award winners

GOAL 2: To improve methods of communication with other associations and memberships

  • Market the Association in the most technologically advanced manner
  • Establish and maintain a web page for member use.
  • Publish newsletter
  • Continue publication of the newsletter
  • Solicit information and news for articles
  • Encourage and promote the writing of articles
  • Reinforce PACTESP’s relationship with ACTE and PA-ACTE, PEN, etc
  • Maintain on-going contact with all related associations

GOAL 3: To increase membership of state association and improve services to members

  • Maintain and increase PACTESP membership
  • Prepare and distribute membership renewals
  • Contact all delinquent members
  • Provide information to new and prospective members and provide regional representation
  • Promote the association at all related conferences, meetings, etc
  • Maintain a supply of promotional materials

GOAL 4: To encourage the involvement of PACTESP in supporting special needs concerns and to respond as an active, not reactive, association

  • Ensure members are informed about state and national matters. Respond to federal and state concerns (letters, telephone, hearings, e-mail)
  • Disseminate information from the organization to the membership via newsletter, mailings, e-mail, and/or telephone
  • Continue lines of communication with the Pennsylvania Department of Education
      • Bureau of Career and Technical Education
      • Bureau of Special Education