The Pennsylvania Association of Career and Technical Education Special Populations (PACTESP) is concerned with career and technical programs/services for special populations students.
Goal: To serve the membership and others working with special populations students, especially to:
- Increase membership.
- Share ideas among professionals in providing career and technical programs/services to disabled, disadvantaged, and limited-English proficient individuals.
- Maintain a website, publish newsletters, and share materials.
- Promote federal/state legislation to enhance the success of special populations students in career and technical education programs.
- Provide in-service/workshop programs to promote growth among educators.
- Conduct a Mid-Winter Conference.
- Improve the opportunities for special populations students.
- To serve as a unifying association for all personnel interested in or responsible for exploring and providing support services for career and technical education special populations students.
- To provide information to Association members about education, legislative, and legal developments or other decisions which affect career and technical education special populations students.
- To act as an advocate within the community for career and technical education special populations students and for the educational personnel who are working with these students.
- To assist professional educators to become more aware of the concerns of career and technical education special populations students and with personnel who are working with these students.
- To develop a network of communication to enhance career and technical special populations program development throughout the state.
Dear PACTESP Members:
“In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety.” – Abraham Maslow
I am excited to be your incoming President of the Pennsylvania Association of Career and Technical Education Special Populations (PACTESP). Since 2020, we have had to pivot to support our educators and the students we serve. My goals are to bridge the communication gap and to team up with like-minded stakeholders (unions, organizations, community members, etc.) to make PACTESP an integral part of Career and Technical Education (CTE) in Pennsylvania.
The needs of our stakeholders have changed immensely, so we must evolve too, starting with our association’s Constitution and Bylaws. The regular maintenance and updating of our website will communicate our changes, the needs of our stakeholders and references. We can only grow and change with people like you! Would you like to become a board member?
Get to Know Your President:
As a teacher, community member, wife and mother, I often take on leadership roles. From my community in Lancaster County to my professional life, I have been child and student centered. I‘ve held positions in multiple sports booster clubs. Professionally, I am a longstanding member of PACTESP and have held a board position for multiple years, which has afforded me the opportunity to meet and partner with other CTE schools and state officials. I am extremely proud of being a PACTESP member and part of the cooperative efforts of this association. In addition, I am a member of Chester County IU CTE Perkins and Dual Enrollment teams.
I have over two decades of teaching experience in grades 5-12 and I am currently a Special Education Teacher at Chester County Technical College High School-Brandywine, a division of Chester County Intermediate Unit. I have earned multiple Pennsylvania administrative certifications including CTE Director, K12 Principal and Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction. Additionally, I have earned certifications in the CTE fields to support my students including Beef Quality Assurance (BQA), CPR and First Aid (Animal and Human), and SERV Safe Food Manager. I am passionate about education and student potential. I’ve presented at multiple conferences to share all the great things happening within CTE.
“I am looking forward to the future, and feeling grateful for the past.” – Mike Rowe
Please excuse our bumps and bruises as we change, grow, and learn from each other. I look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to always reach out to me at jens@cciu.org.
Kind Regards,
Jennifer L. Seal