The Pennsylvania Association of Career and Technical Education Special Populations (PACTESP) is concerned with career and technical programs/services for special populations students. Our mission is to serve the membership and others working with special populations individuals, especially to:
- Improve the opportunities for special populations students
- Publish newsletters and share other written materials
- Promote federal/state legislation to enhance the success of special populations individuals in career and technical education programs
- Provide in-service/workshop programs to promote growth among educators
- Conduct a Mid-Winter Conference and other professional development opportunities
- Increase membership
PACTESP focuses on special population students as defined in the federal Perkins legislation. Perkins V includes students and young adults who are:
- Individuals with disabilities
- Individuals from economically disadvantaged families
- Individuals preparing for non-traditional fields
- Single parents, including single pregnant women
- Out-of-workforce individuals
- English learners
- Homeless individuals
- Youth who are in, or have aged out of the foster care system
- Youth with a parent who is a member of the armed forces and is on active duty
Organizational Structure
The officers of PACTESP are President, President-Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary. The officers and Regional Vice Presidents compose the Board of Directors. The Regional Vice Presidents are composed of two members from the Eastern Region, two members from the Central Region, and two members from the Western Region. The President and the Board of Directors are elected for a two-year term; Regional Vice Presidents are elected for three-year terms; the other officers for a one-year term.
PACTESP also provides opportunities for membership involvement through committees for legislation, public relations, conference, and membership.